Saturday, November 23, 2013

Welcome to whatever this grows into.

Well, I'm gonna do this.
Whatever this is...

I'm stepping back into Yugioh TCG after being gone since 2004, more or less. A lot has changed... but not as much as people think, and this old sharp still has some new tricks.

Plans for this blog:
"State of the Duel" comments on how things are now, this will be about the game and the meta as a whole not so much as specifics on decks or tournament reports but the "Heart" of our game.

Monthly Review name to be determined, this should be where I talk about tournaments and top meta decks in general wide brushstrokes. My opinions on meta choices, staples, and counter plays.

Deck Labs tearing apart net decks and archetypes with an eye to budget builds and oddball choices. This is for general deck work.

Deck Spotlight Here is as in-depth a review of meta decks as I can produce, and maybe sometimes a spotlight on decks from the past, when I last played, when Chaos and Frog-narchs ruled the game. Stepping through the reports over the year to get a view on the present.

That's all I'm gonna plan right now, don't want to be over ambitious.

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